Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1986 | Some aspects of industrial relations legislation in Malta | Catania, Patrick (1986) |
2004 | Autonomy at Zammit Clapp Hospital | Cascun, Lora (2004) |
1969 | Problems of exporting from Malta | Zammit, Joseph (1969) |
1969 | Report on field work in the beverage industry in Malta, 1958-1968 | Vella-Briffa, Frank (1969) |
1969 | Some problems and some suggested solutions of the re-export of wines and spirits from Malta | Tonna-Barthet, R. J. (1969) |
1969 | Co-operation in the textile industry in Malta | Tabone, Colin (1969) |
1969 | The significance of the local market for manufacturing industries | Scicluna, Anton T (1969) |
1969 | The construction industry in the Maltese economy today | Pisani, Carmel (1969) |
1969 | The administration of customs duties in Malta | Pavia, Anthony P (1969) |
1969 | A marketing research centre for Malta | Grasso, Albert V (1969) |
1969 | A marketing approach in the feasibility of substituting imports with local light manufacturing : a case study | Gera, Brian (1969) |
1969 | The role of commercial banks in new manufacturing industries | Debono, Anthony Joseph (1969) |
1969 | The role of the development corporation as an investment bank | Bartolo, Joseph C (1969) |
1969 | An analysis of the factors that influence the planning and provision of a telephone service, with special reference to the situation in Malta | Azzopardi Caffari, Ronald (1969) |
2001 | Management of collective investment schemes registered in Malta | Vassallo, Noel (2001) |
1998 | I.T. and communication : critical factors in the evolution of banking | Tabone, Karen (1998) |
1990 | Forms of collective bargaining in the clothing industry : a comparison between Malta, the U.K. and Germany | Mallia, Victor (1990) |
1989 | Europe 1992 : the single market and companies | Camilleri, John (1989) |
1987 | The structure and functions of the marketing department in local manufacturing firms | Olivieri, Louis (1987) |
1987 | The implications of participation by financial institutions in venture capital in Malta | Farrugia, Martin G. (1987) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 84