Dissertations - FacEMAMAn - 1969-2009 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 84
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1986Some aspects of industrial relations legislation in MaltaCatania, Patrick (1986)
2004Autonomy at Zammit Clapp HospitalCascun, Lora (2004)
1969Problems of exporting from MaltaZammit, Joseph (1969)
1969Report on field work in the beverage industry in Malta, 1958-1968Vella-Briffa, Frank (1969)
1969Some problems and some suggested solutions of the re-export of wines and spirits from MaltaTonna-Barthet, R. J. (1969)
1969Co-operation in the textile industry in MaltaTabone, Colin (1969)
1969The significance of the local market for manufacturing industriesScicluna, Anton T (1969)
1969The construction industry in the Maltese economy todayPisani, Carmel (1969)
1969The administration of customs duties in MaltaPavia, Anthony P (1969)
1969A marketing research centre for MaltaGrasso, Albert V (1969)
1969A marketing approach in the feasibility of substituting imports with local light manufacturing : a case studyGera, Brian (1969)
1969The role of commercial banks in new manufacturing industriesDebono, Anthony Joseph (1969)
1969The role of the development corporation as an investment bankBartolo, Joseph C (1969)
1969An analysis of the factors that influence the planning and provision of a telephone service, with special reference to the situation in MaltaAzzopardi Caffari, Ronald (1969)
2001Management of collective investment schemes registered in MaltaVassallo, Noel (2001)
1998I.T. and communication : critical factors in the evolution of bankingTabone, Karen (1998)
1990Forms of collective bargaining in the clothing industry : a comparison between Malta, the U.K. and GermanyMallia, Victor (1990)
1989Europe 1992 : the single market and companiesCamilleri, John (1989)
1987The structure and functions of the marketing department in local manufacturing firmsOlivieri, Louis (1987)
1987The implications of participation by financial institutions in venture capital in MaltaFarrugia, Martin G. (1987)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 84

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