Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Mintoff, Dominic [Dom] (1916β2012), prime minister of Malta | Frendo, Henry |
2007 | I doveri dell'uomo : Mazzinian influences on Maltese nationalism under British rule | Frendo, Henry |
1990 | A note on evidence for LL>DD in Maltese onomastics | Fiorini, Stanley |
1980 | Il-kwistjoni tar-religjon | Frendo, Henry |
1980 | It-taqbida tan-Nazzjonalisti taht l-amministrazzjoni taβ Strickland | Frendo, Henry |
1980 | Il-partiti politici taht kostituzzjoni rapprezentattiva | Frendo, Henry |
1980 | Il-glieda ghal gvern rapprezentativ | Frendo, Henry |
1980 | Il-kwistjoni tal-lingwa | Frendo, Henry |
1989 | From generals to generals : aborted insurrection, painful resurrection | Frendo, Henry |
1989 | The machismo cult : Malta's independence in contemporary politics | Frendo, Henry |
1991 | The transformation of a national culture : towards a two party system | Frendo, Henry |
1991 | Old wine in new bottles : political parties and the grant of responsible government | Frendo, Henry |
1989 | The last lap : independence and freedom | Frendo, Henry |
1990 | Inbid qadim fi fliexken godda : il-partiti politici u l-ghoti ta gvern responsabbli | Frendo, Henry |
1990 | It-triq twila ghall-gvern responsabbli : il-politika u s-socjeta Maltija taht kostituzzjoni mhux rapprezentattiva 1903-1919 | Frendo, Henry |
1990 | Introduzzjoni : messaggi mill-imghoddi | Frendo, Henry |
1989 | Collaboration and resistance : a nationalist movement on deck | Frendo, Henry |
1989 | Post-war Malta : the dependence β independence syndrome | Frendo, Henry |
1989 | A long fermentation : lords, vassals and intermediaries | Frendo, Henry |
1991 | The long road to responsible government : Maltese politics and society under a non-representative constitution 1903-1919 | Frendo, Henry |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 121