
Logo for MED-JELLYRISK project

Title: MED-Jellyrisk - Integrated monitoring of jellyfish outbreaks under anthropogenic and climatic impacts in the Mediterranean Sea (coastal zones): trophic and socio-economic risks

Start date: 1 January 2013

End date: 31 December 2015

Prof. Alan Deidun
Prof. Adriana Vella

MED-Jellyrisk was the first Cross-Border Cooperation project assessing the socio-economic impacts of jellyfish blooms and the implementation of mitigation countermeasures. MED-Jellyrisk addressed an integrated coastal management approach into 10 Marine Coastal Zones in the western and central Mediterranean Sea basins faced with increased jellyfish proliferations.

The University of Malta led the implementation of monitoring and mitigation activities in Malta. The Oceanography Malta Research Group (ex-Physical Oceanography Research Group) focused on local oceanographic research and citizen science surveys, while the Department of Biology focused on the local biological field research and local documentary production.

The University of Malta also participated in the Project management and in all the WPs with contributions on scientific, educational and dissemination activities. It also assisted the project coordinator and other partners in the development of the WPs.

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