Logo for SenHAR project

Title: SenHAR - Awareness campaigns for an Italian-Maltese harmonisation for a good state of the environment

Campagne di sensibilizzazione per una armonizzazione Italo-Maltese per un buono stato dell’ambiente

Start date: 1 September 2020

End date: 31 August 2023

Coordinator: Prof. Alan Deidun

Lead partner: Università degli Studi di Palermo

Total budget: € 799.841,80

ERDF funding: € 679.865,53

Project duration: 01.09.2020 – 28.02.2023

The project “SenHAR" represents a follow-up based on the implementation of awareness raising for the correct use of protected areas already identified by project “HARMONY”. SenHAR aims to transfer the results obtained in HARMONY and make them usable, bringing them to the attention of end users (specific target groups) through awareness campaigns and promotion of issues related to Natura 2000 sites (N2K) of the cross-border area previously monitored and controlled. To achieve this goal, SenHAR provides for specific actions for the realisation of points of information, access and small blue infrastructures for didactic purposes (through the use of information technologies and communication). SenHAR aims at add a crucial link in what is technically known as "Science-stakeholder-policy interface loop", and behind which lies the success of resource management and conservation strategies of biodiversity and natural assets. The link between "science" and "policy" (research and management / governance) already created in HARMONY will be completed with the creation of the link with the potential final users (stakeholders) of selected N2K sites, favouring lifelong and collective learning, and bringing end users closer to conservation principles and dynamics that regulate the integrity of the marine ecosystems to be protected as well as the threats to be faced in order to preserve natural assets and biodiversity for future generations. Project actions, deliverables and final outputs will represent concrete actions that will ensure the creation of knowledge and awareness about the importance of safeguarding the marine biodiversity of N2K sites, already focal areas analysed in HARMONY, and for which a solid cognitive baseline was built in a transboundary area: habitat 1110 (Banks or seabed of sand var. maërl), 1120 (P. oceanica) and 1170 (Biogenic cliffs var. vermetidae reef) at the seabed of the island of Capo Passero ITA090028 (SIC), the Capo Gallo Marine Protected Area - Isola delle Femmine EUAP0555 (AMP) and Baħar fil-Grigal MT0000105 (SIC). Specific attention will be paid to issues related to the integrity of and the presence of non-indigenous species (NIS) in these habitats.

The future needs sensitive and sensitised people. Next generations – scientists, policy makers, end users - need to be aware on the importance of the biodiversity to save the planet. Knowledge, based on scientific evidence, must be communicated to people, and solid socio-ecological systems will represent the future solution to manage communities and economies in a sustainable long-lasting way. This become of high importance on cross border areas of the planet, something crucial in a Mediterranean basin context, melting pot of cultures and biodiversity. SenHAR’s outputs will provide new insight into the capacity to create effective awareness about the importance of biodiversity, its role and function in our everyday life. To create awareness to improve protection. Up to date, one of the main reason of uncertainty working in marine biodiversity conservation was the lack of understanding of human perspectives (and its data collection) and researchers in HARMONY have worked to fill this gap. With SenHAR they will promote and divulgate the gathered scientific evidence, a cross border knowledge baseline on the importance of seabed integrity and the role of non-indigenous species that will be transferred to end-users by mean of gaming, useful tool for research, theory building, and teaching. Similarly, the SenHAR awareness campaign will engage with end-users to communicate an easy and jargon free biodiversity conservation and management science. Innovative approach, ITC tools and creative ideas will be integrated to create awareness with the final aim to, do not only attract people’s attention, but also make them actually want to give the issues a thought, encouraging them to act and to fight against their activities and habits that are threatening biodiversity. An awareness campaign to act fast, deal with the consequences, an opportunity to offer support to the change, be conscious, respect, build a cross-border common belonging feeling of surprise, reflection and change.