Strategic development fora

Strategic development fora

The University of Malta embarked on a Strategic Planning Process to update its vision and mission for the forthcoming years. The Strategic Plan 2020-2025 presents a set of overall goals and a roadmap on how to achieve them. 

As part of its Strategic Planning Process, the University hosted a series of Strategic Development Fora for the University community and its stakeholders, including students, staff, civil society, enterprise, government and pre-University education providers. Each forum was run as a day session, revolving around seven Working Groups representing the University's core strategic themes. Working Group co-chairs and rapporteurs formed part of the Advisory Groups that developed the University strategy for each theme.


Governance stakeholders

Senate and Sub-Committees, 15 October 2018


Forum I - V Academic stakeholders

College of Deans, 10 October 2018

Faculties A-H, 17 October 2018

Faculties I-R, 02 November  2018

Faculties S-Z, institutes, centres, schools, 14 November 2018


Forum VI - Student stakeholders

Students, 05 November 2018


Forum VII - Administration, Technical and Industrial stakeholders

Administrative, technical and industrial staff, 30 November 2018

Administrative directors and senior management, 15 January 2018


Forum VIII - External stakeholders

Government, civil society, industry, education providers, 31 January 2019