The Edward de Bono Institute for Creative Thinking & Innovation

Our publications

Our publications

Innovation Challenge: Go Green

The Innovation Challenge: Go Green was a competition for young people between 17 and 30 years of age, held as a joint initiative between Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and The Edward de Bono Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking at the University of Malta. 
Participants were required to identify an environmental problem, come up with a green innovation solution to the problem, carry out a feasibility study for their solution, and submit a proposal for evaluation. The Innovation Challenge: Go Green Publication  features an overview of the competition, the top three proposals that were submitted, and concluding reflections on the role of firms in fostering green innovation. 

Best Practices in Teaching Entrepreneurship and Creating Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Europe

This publication was developed as part of an international project financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme and is the result of a collaborative effort by the following four partners conducting six months of research and participating in three international meetings in Poland, Malta, and the UK:
The Edward de Bono Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking, University of Malta
Fundacja Światowego Tygodnia Przedsiębiorczości (Global Entrepreneurship Week Foundation, Poland)
Fundacja Inkubator Technologiczny (Technological Incubator Foundation, Poland)

Peace Child International (UK)

This publication is available in six languages, which may be downloaded for free from the following links:


Fostering Entrepreneurship Through Education: A handbook for Teachers

This handbook for school teachers aims at enabling them to foster a culture of entrepreneurship through their teaching. It consists of almost 200 suggestions, activities and strategies for infusing entrepreneurship across the curriculum at all levels of compulsory education. The publication of this Handbook was partly funded by the Malta National Enterprise Support Awards (NESA) upon an initiative of St. Nicholas College in collaboration with The Edward de Bono Institute, University of Malta.

Creativity and Strategic Innovation Management

Professor Sandra Dingli, is pleased to announce the publication of 'Creativity and Strategic Innovation Management', co-authored with Malcolm Goodman and published (paper back and hard copy) by Routledge in August 2012.

Creative Thinking:  Designing Future Possibilities
Selected Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Creative Thinking

The papers collected in this publication were presented at the Fifth Intentional Conference on Creative Thinking which was held a the University of Malta in June 2004. The conference was organised by The Edward de Bono Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking which was originally set up, in collaboration with Professor Edward de Bono, in October 1992.
The Fifth Intentional Conference on Creative Thinking was instrumental in bringing together a wide range of views, some of which consider creative thinking to be a discipline in its own right and others which relate creative thinking to an increasing number of disciplines. Topics addressed include education, problem solving, organizational creativity, methods for generating ideas, cultural reflections and foresight which leads towards future possibilities. The broad range of perspectives which the papers addressed demonstrates that the University of Malta's International Conference on Creative thinking is a platform for the dissemination of a varied number of perspectives which encourages interdisciplinary and a future-oriented approach to the subject.
This publication is a useful resource for individuals, academics and those who are involved in organisations who wish to learn more about creative thinking and different practical and theoretical applications that lead towards future possibilities.
ISBN 978-99909-45-41-6; xx + 253p.
Editor: Sandra Dingli
Malta University Press (2007)

Creative Thinking: An Indispensable Asset for a Successful Future
Selected Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creative Thinking

The papers collected in this publication were presented at the the Fourth International Conference on Creative Thinking which was held at the University of Malta in July 2000. The conference was organised by The Edward de Bono Programme for the Design and Development of Thinking, which was set up at the University of Malta, in collaboration with Dr Edward de Bono, in October 1992.
The diversity of the material presented is evidence of the evolutionary nature of creativity and the manner in which it has succeeded in becoming established both as a discipline in its own right and as an integral component of a number of other disciplines. The authors come from different backgrounds which include business management, education, advertising, human resources development, art, music, language, mathematics, problem-solving, philosophy and engineering. This publication is a useful resource for those who wish to learn more about the present state of creative thinking. It provides reports on research being conducted concerning the implementation of programmes on the subject of the direct teaching of thinking and on creativity. Edward de Bono, the inventor of Lateral Thinking, is one of the authors.
There is no doubt that Creative Thinking is an indispensable asset for a successful future. Creative Thinking helps individuals and organisations to cope with the rapid rate of technological and social change. This publication should be of interest not only to individuals but also to academic and business institutions who would like to learn more about creative thinking and the manner in which creativity programmes can be implemented, maintained and sustained.
ISBN 99909-45-30-6
Editor: Sandra Dingli
Malta University Press (2002)

Creative Thinking:  Towards Broader Horizons
Selected Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Creative Thinking

The papers collected here were presented at the Third International Conference on Creative Thinking held in Malta in July 1997. The papers were authored by experts in the field of creativity and include Edward de Bono (the inventor of Lateral Thinking), Igor Byttebier, Helga Ellul, Roger Ellul-Micallef, Delores Gallo, Louis Grech, Ron Jones, Susan Mackie, Kay Stables and William F. Sturner. The papers are evidence of the continued debate on the subject of creative thinking. The authors come from different backgrounds which include business management, education, information technology, human resources development, technology and design, information systems and architecture. The diversity of approaches reflects the main theme of the conference, Towards Broader Horizons.
ISBN 99909 45 08 ; xvi + 245p.
Editor: Sandra Dingli
Malta University Press (1998)

Creative Thinking:  New Perspectives
Selected Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Creative Thinking

The papers collected here were presented a the Second International Conference on Creative Thinking which was held in Malta in July 1995. They focus on creative thinking from a varied number of perspectives which include, amongst others, perspectives of practitioners in business management and human resources development reporting on their research and experience, educators elaborating on strategy and methodology and artists delving into their own creative processes in an attempt to make sense of the artistic act of creation. The authors of the papers include Edward de Bono, the inventor of Lateral Thinking, with whose collaboration The Edward de Bono Programme for the Design and Development of Thinking was set up at the University of Malta in October 1992.
ISBN 99909 45 12 8; xix + 262p.
Editor: Sandra Dingli
Malta University Press (1996)

Creative Thinking: A Multifaceted Approach
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Creative Thinking

The papers collected here were presented at the First International Conference on Creative Thinking held in Malta on the 26th and 27th July 1993.  The authors examine creative thinking from theoretical and practical viewpoints, which range from education to business management, human resources, art and design, artificial intelligence, information science, product development, psychology and brain processes. Practical examples of the successful implementation of creative thinking in education and staff training programmes are described.
ISBN: 99909-405-01-2; xv + 244p.
Editor: Sandra Dingli
Malta University Press (1994)