Annual Programme Review

Annual Programme Review

The Annual Programme Review (APR) is a core evaluation process for the quality assurance and enhancement of learning, teaching and assessment at the University of Malta. The University requires each Faculty/Institute/Centre and School (FICS) to conduct an annual review of its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes with a taught component of at least 30 ECTS.* This process is complemented by a more thorough Periodic Programme Review which is performed every five to six years as part of the University’s ongoing monitoring and review of programmes.

*Exemption from APR: Please note that an APR does not need to be submitted for:

  • programmes that underwent a PPR during the preceding academic year, and
  • programmes undergoing a PPR during the current academic year

For example, for the APR submission due in December 2024, programmes that underwent a PPR during academic year 2023/2024 and those undergoing a PPR during academic year 2024/2025 are exempt from submitting an APR.