Annual Programme Review

Annual Programme Review

The Annual Programme Review (APR) is a core evaluation process for the quality assurance and enhancement of learning, teaching and assessment at the University of Malta. The University requires each Faculty/Institute/Centre and School (FICS) to conduct an annual review of its undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes. This process is complemented by a more thorough Periodic Programme Review which is performed every five to six years as part of the University’s ongoing monitoring and review of programmes.

The APR is a light touch evaluation process designed to:

  • provide an opportunity for reviewing and enhancing the quality of the student learning and teaching experience while assuring academic standards and quality;
  • encourage and support critical reflection;
  • promote professional dialogue with a specific focus on enhancement;
  • identify good practice for dissemination within the University and beyond.

Each FICS compiles an annual evaluation APR template which makes reference to a number of study-units delivered in each year of the programmes running during that particular academic year. The APR template is submitted to the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) through the Quality Support Unit (QSU). The APR template is to be also submitted to the Programme Validation Committee (PVC) through the Academic Programmes Quality and Resources Unit (APQRU) in cases where revisions to existing programmes of study or changes to existing study-units are being proposed following review of the programme.  As a result of the APR, the FICS will be able to identify areas for improvement, plan achievable actions for continuous enhancement and highlight good practices.

The APR ensures that the University regularly and consistently reflects on the learning, teaching and assessment of programmes and how these are impacting on the students’ higher education experience. This process is essential in supporting the University as it endeavours to meet the National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education in Malta as required by Subsidiary Legislation 607.03 and the European Standards and Guidelines (2015). Furthermore, it is a key characteristic of the University of Malta’s commitment to continuously enhance the quality of its educational provision and to permeate a culture of quality among all members of its community.

At least 50% of the study-units per programme per academic year need to be taken into consideration for the APR, i.e. each lecturer/Head of Department/programme coordinator needs to collect feedback for at least 50% of the study-units per programme per year. This will lead to 100% of the study-units per programme per year being evaluated within two academic years.

This will also include the study-units which are tagged by APQRU. Lecturers will be informed by the end of October whether the study-units they deliver have been tagged for evaluation by APQRU. Similarly, study-unit lecturers are to be informed by the programme co-ordinator, by the end of November, whether their unit has been selected for FICS-led evaluation purposes for the APR of the particular academic year.

The significance of the Annual Programme Review is heightened when compiled through collaborative endeavours involving members of the Board of Studies.  The value is further enhanced when the findings of the Annual Programme Review are thoroughly discussed within a dedicated meeting of the Board of Studies.

October - September (from beginning to end of academic year)

Throughout the academic year, FICS monitor delivery of programmes through mechanisms such as student feedback, external examiners’ reports, boards of studies’ discussions, other contributions from internal and external stakeholders etc.

September - December

Analyse data emerging from the previous academic year and report outcomes in the Annual Programme Review (APR) template. Deadline for submission of the APR template to QAC will be the end of December.


QAC identifies common themes arising from the APR templates and presents a summary report to the Senate along with identified good practices and dissemination to FICS before the start of the following academic year.

The APR template, as approved by Senate in its meeting of 28th October 2022, can be downloaded here

The APR template is to be submitted annually by not later than the end of December of each year. The submission form can be accessed here.