Browsing by Author Weiss, Bernard L.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1992Confinement and strain profiles produced by cation interdiffusion in In0,53Ga0.47As/lnP quantum wellsMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.
1992Confinement subbands in an InGaAs/GaAs non-square quantum wellLi, E. Herbert; Micallef, Joseph; Weiss, Bernard L.
1993The effect of interdiffusion on the change of refractive index of an AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well structureLi, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.; Micallef, Joseph
1993Effects of interdiffusion on the polarization dependent refractive index of a strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wellMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.
1993Effects of interdiffusion on the subband-edge structure of In0.53Ga0.47As/InP single quantum wellsMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.
1993The effects of strain on the confinement profile of disordered InGaAs/GaAs single quantum wellsMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.
1995Electroabsorption enhancement in disordered, strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wellMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.
1993Enhancement of the Quantum-Confined Stark Shift in Disordered, Strained InGaAs/GaAs Single Quantum WellsMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.
1993Exciton optical absorption in disordered, strained InGaAs/GaAs single quantum wellsMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.
1992Polarisation dependent interband optical absorption in strained nonsquare InGaAs/GaAs quantum wellsMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.
1993Polarization dependent refractive index of an interdiffusion induced AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wellLi, E. Herbert; Weiss, Bernard L.; Chan, K. S.; Micallef, Joseph
1993Quantum-confined Stark effect in interdiffused AlGaAs/GaAs quantum wellLi, E. Herbert; Chan, K. S.; Weiss, Bernard L.; Micallef, Joseph
1991The refractive index of III–V semiconductor strained-layer superlatticesMicallef, Joseph; Weiss, Bernard L.
1992Subband states and optical properties of a strained nonsquare quantum wellMicallef, Joseph; Li, E. Herbert; Chan, K.S.; Weiss, Bernard L.