Browsing by Subject Malta Maritime Museum (Vittoriosa, Malta)

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-12-27Christmas in wartime Malta and earlierSchembri, Gabriel
2008Copper alloy cannon from Malta and Gozo : an assessment of the local environmental conditions and their impact on corrosionZarb, Joanne (2008)
2018Dawra kulturali mal-Port il-KbirSerracino, Joseph
2006Disaster plan for a museum (Malta Maritime Museum)Catania, Anton (2006)
2017Documenting the last surviving traditional boats on the Maltese Islands: a case study on the firillaSaid, Stephanie
2012Id-dghajjes tradizzjonali Maltin: it-tieni taqsimaMuscat, Joseph
2017-04-23Il-Muzew Marittimu - l-istorja marittima ta' Malta taht saqaf wiehedTorca
2000-10-01Il-Mużew Malti MarittimuCamilleri, J.C.
2016Il-wirt moħbi fil-mużewijiet MaltinSaré, John
2016-02-17It's not just another script in the wallCarabott, Sarah
1999-08-15Kont taf li... [Bini Barokk fl-Imdina ; Il-Bizilla ; Il-Mużew Marittimu, Vittoriosa]Balzan, Joe
2023-02-19Mill-Arkivji : Programme 20 : Liam GauciD'Anastas, Noel; Gauci, Liam
2003Museums education and cultural contestation : the case of the Malta Maritime MuseumBorg, Carmel; Cauchi, Bernard; Mayo, Peter
2011National museums in MaltaDelia, Romina
2020-05Pagni mid-djarju ta' Vincenzo Borg Brared : Programmes 1-18Gauci, Liam
2012-07-28Rare air raid shelter sign added to museum memorabiliaDarmanin, Denis Anthony
2021-01Storja-Oggett 4 : Programmes 1-13Buttigieg, Emanuel; Gauci, Liam
2024-01Tahdita Clio - S8 : 13 programmesButtigieg, Emanuel; Gauci, Liam