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Showing results 1 to 20 of 99  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013The administration of justice : the work of architect Josef HohensinnBason, Stephanie (2013)
2016Analysis of the benefits and potential use of warm mix asphalt for local road constructionFenech, Luigi (2016)
2008Anime : an expression of alternate architecture & landscapeAzzopardi, Charles (2008)
2012An architectural and social analysis of 20th century cinemas in the Maltese IslandsMiceli, Francesca (2012)
1987Architectural expression in the Maltese Built EnvironmentCamilleri, Frederick (1987)
2009Architecture and graffiti : the dialogue of placeTedesco Triccas, Tiziana (2009)
1990Architecture and myth : cosmological symbolism and sacred spaceCamilleri, Jesmond (1990)
2000Architecture and the bodyMifsud, Duncan (2000)
2014Architecture for the creative mindMifsud, Lyanne (2014)
2013Architecture for the deadXuereb, Shirley (2013)
2013-12-01Architecture from a different perspectiveLagana, Louis
1991Architecture of place, time and integrityZammit Endrich, K. (1991)
2010The architecture of silence : when absence yields presenceGrech, Patricia-Ann (2010)
2022Architecture, civil engineering, academia and diplomacy : a comprehensive overview of the work of Lino BiancoOleinic, Svetlana
2017Arkhē-Tiktō : reimagining architecture from origin to manifestationMangion, Jeremy (2017)
1977Art nouveau architecture in MaltaAttard, Norbert (1977)
1989Aspects of building litigation for architects in MaltaZammit, Ian (1989)
2012Assessing durability of PFA-blended concreteBorg Costanzi, Chris (2012)
2008AssimilationsMiodragovic Vella, Irina
2009Biomimicry in architectureBonavia, Vittorio (2009)