Browsing by Subject Computer-assisted instruction

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 62  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021A.I. assisted pedagogical chatbotAttard, Andrew Emanuel (2021)
2021-08-12The acceptance of learning management systems and video conferencing technologies : lessons learned from COVID-19Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Camilleri, Adriana Caterina
2014Adaptive eBookDingli, Alexiei; Cachia, Christabel
2005An agent frameworkEngerer, Thomas (2005)
2021AI-enabled gamification for learning and assessmentBezzina, Stephen; Pfeiffer, Alexander; Dingli, Alexiei
2021ARCH-elites : quality-diversity for urban designGalanos, Theodoros; Liapis, Antonios; Yannakakis, Georgios N.; Koenig, Reinhard
2020Beyond classical gamification : in- and around-game gamification for educationPfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Koenig, Nikolaus; Kriglstein, Simone
2020Blockchain technologies as data storage for test results and certificates - the human factorPfeiffer, Alexander; Kriglstein, Simone; Bezzina, Stephen; Koenig, Nikolaus
2020Blockchain technologies for the validation, verification, authentication and storing of students' dataPfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Wernbacher, Thomas; Kriglstein, Simone
2021Blockchain technologies in the educational sector. Results of the initial data collectionPfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Vella, Vince; Dingli, Alexiei
2024Book review : Traversing the lexical landscape : insights from "Learning vocabulary in another language"Żammit, Jacqueline
2015BYOD for Android - just add JavaButtigieg, Jessica; Vella, Mark Joseph; Colombo, Christian
2017Classroom technology acceptance for teachers in 3D : a case study in PreVieWCamilleri, Vanessa; Freitas, Sara de; Dunwell, Ian; Montebello, Matthew
2021Code-switching and other non-standard features characterising informal CMC in the Maltese contextBezzina, Anne-Marie
2013A comparative study of parents' educational level with their views of the internet as a tool for learningSultana, Annalise
1997Computer-aided learning and use of the internetHuckvale, Mark; Benoit, Christian; Bowerman, Chris; Eriksson, Anders; Rosner, Michael; Tatham, Mark; Williams, Briony
1998Computer-aided learning and use of the internetHuckvale, Mark; Bowerman, Chris; Eriksson, Anders; Pompino-Marschall, Bernd; Rosner, Michael; Tatham, Mark; Williams, Briony; Wolters, Maria
2021COVID-19 pandemic vs. digital competences of pupils and teachers in PolandSzostak, Ewa; Kenc, Joanna
2020Create digital games for education : dame design as a teaching methodologyWernbacher, Thomas; Reuter, Robert; Denk, Natalie; Pfeiffer, Alexander; Koenig, Nikolaus; Fellnhofer, Katharina; Grixti, Adeleide; Bezzina, Stephen; Jannot, Eric
1998-04Creating customized readers with Print Shop Ensemble IIIBorg, Norman C.