Season 1972/73 Programmes - SchPATMP Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 49
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1972-12'Mini musical 1972' (A scholastic annual musical review) (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry of Education and Culture; Orkestra Malta Żagħżugħa; Lilian Attard Ballet School; Dayney, Joe; Abela, Carmelo; Coleiro, Charles; Borg, Edith; Izzo, Joe; Attard, John; Bruno, Hector; Cachia, Mary Grace; Pace, Mike; Delicata Lynam, Jeni; Scerri, Lilian; Mangion, William; Borg, Anna; Testa, John M.; Marinelli, Christine; Debono, George; Miggiani, Antoinette; Spiteri, Agatha; Bonello, Robert; Risiott, Grace; Schembri, Brian; Buhagiar, Tanya; Dingli, Alfred
1973-04-22Vocal and instrumental concert by the Manoel Theatre Orchestra (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Manoel Theatre Orchestra; Sammut, Joseph; Spiteri, George; Bisazza, Giulietta
1973-02-03Vocal and instrumental concert (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Manoel Theatre Orchestra; Sammut, Joseph; Spiteri, George; Mallia Tabone, Hilda; Sapiano, Andrew; Coleiro, Charles
1973-02-28A recital (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Woodcock, Ronald; Britton, Louise
1973-04-03A recital (Programme)Manoel Theatre; United States Information Service; Mandel, Nancy; Mandel, Alan
1973Variety showtime : Startime 73 (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Excell Productions; Carter, Mike; Kirkham, Ken; Newman, Donna Marie; Gee, Dustin; Du Barry, Janette; Woods, Tony
1973-04The flip side (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art; Williams, Hugh; Williams, Margaret; Rossiter, George
1973-07Startime 73 : Variety spectacular (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Excell Productions; Carter, Mike; Kirkham, Ken; Du Barry, Jeanette; Hillyard, John; Karina, Karin
1973-04-17A recital of music for two pianos by Ruth Harte and Vivian Langrish (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Fund; Harte, Ruth; Langrish, Vivian
1973-05-04A programme of drama, music, and song to commemorate Europe Day (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry for Education and Culture; European Schools Day Competition National Committee (Malta); Scerri, Godwin
1973-04-30Piano recital by Peter Hollfelder (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ambaxxata (Germany); Hollfelder, Peter
1973-02-27A piano recital by Emma Contestabile (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Istituto Italiano di Cultura; Contestabile, Emma
1973-06-05Orchestral concert by the Manoel Theatre Orchestra (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Manoel Theatre Orchestra; Sammut, Joseph; Spiteri, George; Coppini, Marian
1973-08-02An orchestral concert (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Manoel Theatre Resident Orchestra; Sammut, Joseph; Spiteri, George
1973-03-27Orchestral concert by the Manoel Theatre Orchestra (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Manoel Theatre Orchestra; Sammut, Joseph; Spiteri, George; Turner, Cynthia
1973-02Nimxu mal-moda (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Maleth; Biancoli, Oreste; Falconi, Dino; Fenech, Joe; Ganado, Frank
1973-06-16Elijah (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Manoel Theatre Orchestra; Chorus Melitensis; Sammut, Joseph; Spiteri, George; Bisazza, Bice; Miggiani, Antoinette; Mifsud, Josephine; Sapiano, Andrew; Vella Bondin, Joe
1973-03L-imnajra zmien il-qtil (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Ebejer, Francis
1973-06Lex Monson's Afro-American Singers (Programme)Manoel Theatre; United States Information Service; Lex Monson's Afro-American Singers; Monson, Lex; Thomas, Alfred; Claudio, Betan; Cooper, Gerry; Meadows, Joyce; Mendez, Padrica; Baker, Elaine; Roberts, Gloria
1973-06L-ewwel festival tad-drama ta' l-iskejjel (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry of Education and Culture. Department of Education; Pirotta, Valerie; Preca, Anna M.; Farrugia, Inez; Ellul, Edward; Riolo, Vanni; Chadwich, Eva; Galea, Mary Grace; Muscat, Pauline; Scerri, Godwin; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Mangion, A.; Saliba, H.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 49

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