JMS, Volume 25-26 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998The Morisco and Hispano-Arabic culture and Malta : some highlights on late medieval and early modern linksFreller, Thomas
1998Frangisku Saverju Baldacchino : prepostu ta l-Oratorju ta' San Filippu ta l-Isla, kittieb bikri ta' proza u poezija bil-MaltiXuereb, Victor
1998Book Review : Rieger, Andreas : Die Seeaktivitaten der muslimischen Beutefahrer als Bestandteil der staatlichen Flotte wiihrend der osmanischen Expansion im Mittelmeer im 15. und 16. JahrhundertScheben, Thomas
1998Il-korrispondenza bejn aspetti formali u sens fl-ewwel strofa ta' Pellegrin DistrattMicallef, Bernard
1998Lexical strata in MalteseParawahera, Nimal P.
1998Il-kontribut ta' studjuzi Germanizi fl-istudju ta' l-ilsien Malti mill-bidu tas-seklu sbatax sal-bidu tas-seklu ghoxrinKontzi, Reinhold; Zammit, Martin R.
1998About the meanings of Zurrieq, Wied iz-Zurrieq and Wied iz-ZerqaSanguy, Patrice
1998Les relations de Malte et de Tripoli de Barbaire au XIXe siecleLafi, Nora
1998A proposed bulletin of Maltese linguistic studies in 1938Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè
1998Two notes : Brighella and Thezan; the "Cantilena", Maltese and Sicilian proverbsCassola, Arnold
1998L-istorja tal-poezija MaltijaFriggieri, Oliver
1998Maltese fictional prose formsBriffa, Charles
1998Innocente nostalgia e istanze etiche della poesia malteseRombi, Bruno
1994Secret languages : preliminary notes on four examples from the Maltese IslandsFalzon, Mark Anthony
1994Malte et deux ecrivains francaisSpiteri, Richard
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 15 of 15