Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2010 | Dizzjunarju storiku tal-Malti bbażat fuq il-manuskritt Regole per la lingua Maltese, Malti-Taljan | Debattista, Charlene (2010) |
1973 | Sir Temi Zammit : Ħidmietu mill-kitba | Xuereb, Philip (1973) |
2001 | L-ideoloġija tan-novella Maltija | Vella (2001), Mark |
2004 | Strutturi narrativi fir-rumanz Malti | Buhagiar, Paul A. (2004) |
2005 | Il-priedki bil-Malti ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud : edizzjoni kkumentata bi studju kritiku | Żammit Ciantar, Joe (2005) |
1992 | The non-semitic element in Maltese verbal morphology : a descriptive and comparative study of loanverbs in Maltese | Mifsud, Manwel (1992) |
1992 | The non-semitic element in Maltese verbal morphology : a descriptive and comparative study of loanverbs in Maltese vol. 2 | Mifsud, Manwel (1992) |
2001 | The Maltese heroic fairytale | Mifsud Chircop, Ġorġ (2001) |
2001 | The Maltese heroic fairytale vol. 2 | Mifsud Chircop, Ġorġ (2001) |
2002 | Storja ta' l-estetika letterarja Maltija | Attard, Josette (2002) |
2004 | Between the text and the reader : interpretation in the readings of modern Maltese poetry | Micallef, Bernard (2004) |
1987 | Alcune feste e indirizzi poetici ai principi sovrani di Malta (XVII - XVIII sec.) | Degiorgio, Stephen (1987) |
2003 | Dominant metaphors in Maltese literature | Grima, Adrian (2003) |
2014 | Maltese identity in 20th century theatre | Micallef, Ingrid (2014) |
1985 | The Maltese language and its Arabic origins : a comparative study | Talaat, Ahmed Suleyman (1985) |
1964 | Għaqdiet għat-tixrid ta' l-ilsien Malti | Sant, Michael A. (1964) |
1964 | Żviluppi fl-edukazzjoni primarja fi żmien l-awtonomija 1947-1958 | Fenech, Victor (1964) |
1964 | It-tagħlim tal-Malti | Gatt, Mary Rose (1964) |
1964 | Storja ta' l-edukazzjoni f'Malta | Camilleri, Joseph J. (1964) |
2010 | Poeżiji inediti ta' Ludovik Mifsud Tommasi u s-siwi lingwistiku tagħhom | Borg, Sephora (2010) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 269